Monday, April 8, 2013

Martinborough, New Zealand

Life at the Vineyard

   We couldn't imagine a better spot to spend some time working and relaxing with friends.  How fortunate we are to have a standing invitation to this little piece of paradise.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Martinborough, New Zealand

Keeping Busy

It certainly looks idyllic, but don't let this picture fool you.  There is a lot of work to do on a vineyard!  Kurt has a long list to chip away at, while Allie has a wonderfully peaceful place to write.

transporting the wine into the cellar
cleaning up the grounds
taking a break to enjoy the view
There is always work to do around the barn!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Glow Worm Caves, Martinborough, New Zealand

On the Hunt for Glow Worms

   Seeing the glow worms takes a bit of effort, but it is well worth it.  We waded into the cool cave waters, and used our headlamps to light the path ahead.  When the final beams of daylight could no longer be seen, we turned off our headlamps, and remarked at the thread like worms that dotted the damp cave walls like sprinkles of fairy dust.  

It would be hard to guess that caves secretly hide amongst these hills.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Martinborough, New Zealand

Fun in the Kitchen with Kurt and Allie

(We have had a great time taking over our friends' kitchens and testing out some new recipes.  It sure beats camp stove cooking!)
fresh lemon cupcakes with lavandar infused frosting
paua (a local seafood favorite)
Vietnamese inspired mushroom soup (our attempt at making something as tasty as pho)
a Kiwi BBQ for the neighbors
Fresh local fruits and poached eggs with blue cheese sauce (Kurt is becoming a master poacher!)
fresh peach and rhubarb pie
flambeed fresh fig french toast (say that five times fast)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Wellington, New Zealand

A Day at the Museum

Old Maori fishing hooks

fantastic wood carvings
No matter how hard you try, you can't escape a little taste of Tolkien in your travels here!

   We had an enjoyable and very useful visit to Te Papa museum in Wellington.  The Maori exhibits were particularly helpful for Allie's work, and a great way for us to learn more about the history of this fascinating country. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wellington, New Zealand

Hanging Out with Friends in Surprisingly Sunny Wellington


  The Wellington weather was on its best behavior as we made a trip into the city to do a little research, and catch up with old friends (who happen to have a new addition to their home).

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

North Island, New Zealand

Beautiful Beaches

sunset on the sand
The Kiwi way of life
picnic dinner by the water
Snorkeling at Goat Island
Wellington Waves

Evening stroll in Napier

   No matter where you go, a beach isn't very far away in New Zealand.  After a day of work, it's easy to enjoy the refreshing water, inviting beaches, and hidden treasures that line the shores of this island nation.