Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bangalore, India

Preparing the Puja

Fresh flowers are picked each day to add to the puja (a small alter of offerings common in most Hindu homes).

   Rongoli designs (made of rice flower) and small clay oil lanterns, are often found outside of temples and the entrances to Hindu homes.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Bangalore, India

auto rickshaw ride

Views of our Neighborhood:  

A few pictures of life in Bangalore
This is the view across the street from our apartment.  Most of the homes and shops here didn't exist five years ago!
Fresh fruits and veggies are abundant!
Proper waste disposal is certainly a problem, but the pigs are trying to help out.

Notice the granite "fence" behind the laundry.  Granite is used for everything around here!
street vendors

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Bangalore, India

Sunday Tree Walk

   We went on a three hour guided tree walk at one of the parks here in Bangalore.  It was a great way for Allie to learn more about the local trees and get some good photos for her research.  

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bangalore, India

Life at Home

Rooftop workouts...It's a bit tricky to go for a run on the streets, so we head up to the rooftop for a bit of evening exercise.

The view from our room on the fourth floor.

Baking chocolate chip cookies with grandma.  She was the official taste tester!
Balaji Elite Apartments...Our home away from home in Bangalore.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Bangalore, India


   We celebrated Thanksgiving with Kurt's family in Bangalore.  We did our best to have some traditional favorites on the table, but our meal certainly had an Indian twist.  The menu consisted of mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, vegetable kofta, and fresh guava.  We made apple crisp for dessert!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bangalore, India

Welcome Maya!

   We happily made a trip to the hospital to meet little Maya.  It was great to catch up with an old friend and visit with her and her family.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bangalore, India

It's Pizza Time!!!

   We did our best to make some pizzas for the whole family to enjoy. Surprisingly they turned out pretty well.  We certainly didn't expect to find olives at the neighborhood supermarket!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hospet, India

Saying Goodbye

   We said goodbye to our wonderful hosts in Hospet.  We hope to see them again before we leave India.

Bangalore, India


  We picked up a few sparklers and fireworks to help us celebrate Diwali (the festival of light).  The excitement started before sunset and went on well into the evening...the next evening that is.  Fireworks stretched 360 degrees across the city sky.  We had never seen anything quite like it!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hampi, India

Hiking the Hills of Hampi

Sunrise view of Hampi

Beware of giant boulders around every turn! 

The Birth Place of Hanuman

Oh no....more tummy troubles!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hampi, India

More Shots of Hampi

Views from inside the temple walls

   We spent another day exploring the sites of Hampi.   We even got a personal tour of some very old homes from the King of Hampi himself!

Hampi, India

Historic Hampi

Everything is carved from the massive granite outcrops
Granite Aqueduct

The Royal Elephant Stables

   We had a wonderful time exploring the fascinating ruins of ancient Hampi with Kurt's extended family.  Only 20% of the site has been excavated, and yet we still didn't see it all in two days.