Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Los Banos, Philippines

Jackfruit Anyone?

Our landlords picked a gigantic jackfruit from their garden, and invited us to share in the decorating/carving/eating of this delicious and fragrant fruit.  (It's one of our favorites!) Kurt had the honors of making the first cuts.

Anxiously awaiting a taste!  The knife has to be coated in oil to keep it from sticking to the sappy center.

first bite!
all cleaned and ready to eat

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Paete, Philippines

Research Trip to Paete


   Paete means "chisel."  This little mountain town is famous for its woodcarving and paper mache artwork.  It was the perfect place for us to learn and explore.

a nice place to stop for lunch
A side trip to meet Samantha the python...she eats a dozen chickens a week!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Los Banos, Philippines

A Few More Pics of Los Banos 

fishing boat by the lake
testing out the local hot springs

laundry day

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tagaytay, Philippines

A Night Out with Friends


   We enjoyed a lovely dinner at the night market, and then made our way to a local hotel to watch traditional island dances.

Take your pick!!!  Allie played it safe and chose eggs.  Kurt was feeling adventurous and chose...(see image below)

beef ???  It's what's for dinner!?

It actually tasted pretty good :)

We took almost every type of public transport available:  car, van, motorbike with sidecart, jeepney, and bus.  Only thing left is the ferry!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Los Banos, Philippines

Market Day - Always one of our favorites!

   It's hard to beat a morning of photos and food.


Friday, January 18, 2013

Los Banos, Philippines

Campus Trees


It's easy to be inspired!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Los Banos, Philippines

Study Break!!!

traditional breakfast of eggs, salted fish, rice and mango
birthday party treats


   We have been working hard during the day, but are happy to take breaks for delicious family style meals and great conversations with our new local friends.  We also enjoy the knocks and giggles at our door, courtesy of some playful little visitors from the house above.

Monday, January 14, 2013

University of the Philippines Los Banos

A Tropical Cornell

gorges and waterfalls winding through campus

   After six months on the road, it feels nice to be back in a college town again.  Despite the 80 degree temps in January, palm trees and volcanoes, it reminds us a lot of home. UPLB is a big agriculture and forestry school.  It has a long history with Cornell, and is a great base for Allie's research and writing.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Los Banos, Philippines

 Life in Los Banos

The main street in "College Town."
local transport - "the jeepney"
our cozy new apartment (we live on the bottom level)
typical neighborhood house and garden

   We were warmly welcomed into our new apartment in the Philippines.  Our place is tucked into the hillside, next to the University of the Philippines Los Banos.  On a clear day (of which there have been few) we can see the lake below us and the top of Mt. Makiling (the sleeping godess volcano) that hides in the clouds above.