Saturday, January 12, 2013

Streets of Vietnam

Bikes, Bikes and More Bikes

The Vietnamese love their motorbikes.  Here are a few of our favorite ways to ride!

How to keep your loved ones safe and dry on a rainy day...Well maybe just dry.
bikes on boats
friendly bikes
babies on bikes
nightly Saigon bike parade
families on bikes
visibility is overrated
picking up the kids from school
old school bike
Don't forget to fuel up!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. Reminds me of Indonesia. I think the greatest number of people I ever saw on a moto was 5 (2 adults and 3 kids). Yet somehow a typical sedan isn't large enough for a family in the U.S. and we need SUVs. ;-)

    Hey, is it rainy season over there? I keep seeing lots of puddles and umbrellas.
