Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Los Banos, Philippines

Jackfruit Anyone?

Our landlords picked a gigantic jackfruit from their garden, and invited us to share in the decorating/carving/eating of this delicious and fragrant fruit.  (It's one of our favorites!) Kurt had the honors of making the first cuts.

Anxiously awaiting a taste!  The knife has to be coated in oil to keep it from sticking to the sappy center.

first bite!
all cleaned and ready to eat


  1. You like the Jackfruit? A friend brought me some and I can't say that I was a fan. But to each his own. Maybe it's different when it's straight off the tree.

  2. Hey guys,
    It's been over 2 months since an update! Where in the world are Kurt and Allie? I hope everything is going well for you guys. Weather turning nice here in Ithaca (i.e. it's raining). Miss you!
