Monday, December 3, 2012

Bangalore, India

Tailor Made

   Kurt decided to have a suit made during our stay in Bangalore.  It turned out to be quite an adventure and a practice in patience.  Nevertheless, it looked great in the end.
The happy couple on the left were Allie's neighborhood tailors.  (After six months on the road, her clothes needed a lot of patching!)  Don't let their appearance fool you, they were really quite friendly. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I used to take for granted that the socially acceptable action to take when someone photographs me is to smile. Definitely not the case everywhere in the world! Kurt's suit is lovely. Enjoy the warmth, Upstate NY is quite cold right now.
    Best wishes, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, happy solstice, etc!
    Nico T.
