Monday, December 10, 2012

Cochin, India

A Return to Kerala

We took a few days away from Bangalore, and headed SW to Kerala.  Allie went to school for a semester in Cochin, and wanted to see how the city had changed since her time there.  Considering that most of these buildings have gone up in the past ten years, it was amazing that Allie could recognize any of her old stomping grounds.

   With the addition of all the new infrastructure and boom in tourism, sadly the waterfront in Cochin and around the islands has suffered greatly.  Allie use to run along the pier here each morning and watch the sunsets at night.  It's not so inviting anymore.  Nevertheless, the bustling street shops and vividly colored temples still remain, and make for an enjoyable (but slightly chaotic) stroll around town.
Allie's old school - Her name was still in the library record's log!
Small World...Allie met up with an old high school friend who just happened to be traveling through India for a wedding.  We enjoyed catching up over a number of fantastic meals.  Allie was happy to have some of her old favorites:  coconut curries, cold coffee and ice cream, and the most amazing grape juice in the whole world!

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